Praise for The 15 Minute Master
“Mary Fran made me laugh, again. That was no surprise. But what I wasn’t expecting was the tangible process she gave me to just do life better. And all with a compelling and emotional story. A must-read.”
~ Jenniifer L Croneberger ~ Author of These Five Words Are Mine, Award-Winning 3-time TEDx Speaker, Compassionate Leadership Specialist,
“With humor and grace, Mary Fran brings a framework for us to walk THROUGH the storm, not around it. We’ve all had or maybe are having moments in our lives when we want to close our eyes, cover our ears, and wake up on the other side when the sun is shining, and life is good. But if we do so, where does the learning go? When do we grow, expand, become more than we’ve ever been before? Mary Fran’s 15-minute strategy is like a holistic pain killer to be able to bear the pain we sometimes feel but that we know will help us grow into our best version. This is a MUST read!”
~ Dolores Hirschmann ~ Speaker, Coach, Strategist, Founder: Masters in Clarity,
“Mary Fran uses her own personal experiences to provide others with a simple, effective method for managing both crises and everyday dilemmas. Although grounded in heavy subject matter, I found the book to be humor-filled, forthright and honest. The three-question formula is easy to understand and can help make life better one action step at a time!”
~ Fran Hauser ~ Best-selling Author–The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate, Media executive, startup investor.
“From the moment I met Mary Fran Bontempo, I noticed three attributes: integrity, transparency and humor. Her ability to bring all three to every conversation was something I immediately respected in her. Her latest book, The 15 Minute Master—How to Make Everything Better 15 Minutes at a Time, incorporates all three. The ability to bring honesty, clarity and levity to times of tragedy are a gift to any of us going through tough times. A great read!”
~ Susan Rocco ~ Women to Watch Media, Founder and Host,
“The 15 Minute Master is masterful. Mary Fran hits the nail on the head with this sharp, to the point and in-your-face approach to tackling real life problems, and she does it with a warm and funny undertone. The beauty of her message is this…while written from the view of an addict’s mother, the 15-minute approach speaks to us all. Her steps to making any situation ‘better, not perfect’ are real, relatable and doable. 15 minutes. A better life is just minutes away!”
~ Beth Allen, Founder of HIP Chicks. Speaker, DIY Expert, Media Contributor,
“As the saying goes, ‘This, too, shall pass.’ Mary Fran’s book, The 15 Minute Master, will help you get through the challenge till it passes. Based on her personal experience dealing with an overwhelming situation, Mary Fran provides simple and impactful advice on how to catch your breath and chisel away at life’s occasional crises. This easy read comes packed with practical advice, and, of course, the humor you’d expect from our favorite ‘not ready for granny panties’ author. Another must-read gem!”
~ Theresa Hummel-Krallinger ~ Trainer/ Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Humorist, Founder, High Five Performance,
“Once again Mary Fran has written a smart book with great warmth which comes from her heart and her own experiences. She generously shares how she survived an extremely stressful and overwhelming time in her life by creating a simple but highly effective method which paves the way for any of us to survive a difficult period in our lives or to make our everyday lives more focused and purposeful. Mary Fran’s legendary humor is sprinkled throughout the book, which creates an even more enjoyable reading experience. When my patients are going through a tough time, I tell them to take action…Mary Fran shows us how!”
~ Dr. Ellen Faulkner ~ Founder/Owner—The Bucks County Psychotherapy Group, Leadership Coach & Consultant with The Global Consulting Partnership,
“All of us have been thrown in a pit in our lives. Many of us have a friend that will sit with us in that pit. This book is like that friend, but also there with a ladder, toolbox and roadmap to get out! “The 15 Minute Master” feels like a continuation of Mel Robbins’ The 5 Second Rule. Mary Fran gives the ‘brick by brick’ plan to take action after taking a breath when life hits us hard, and her wit and style and ‘I’ve been there’ point of view makes readers feel like she is with us on our journey… cheering, pushing, and celebrating when we reach the other side. Read this book!”
~ Kristin Smedley ~ Speaker, Author of Thriving Blind,
“As a communication expert, I routinely talk about how in today’s environment we are so easily overwhelmed by the volume of information that comes at us each day and how as listeners we have fundamentally changed. We teach that when we as communicators make messages more bite sized, focused, and intentional they are gifts that we give our listeners. It turns out that those same elements can be gifts to ourselves. The 15 Minute Master method provides focus, helps us manage a seemingly overwhelming problem, and helps us move forward with intentional progress. These tools are essential for life in today’s fast-paced world. The book outlines a simple strategy that every person should have at the ready to help navigate the unforeseen waters that the future will bring.”
~ Dr. Patricia Scott ~ Communications Expert & Best-Selling Author of Getting a Squirrel to Focus, President & CEO of Uhmms,
“This book really resonated with me. We have all been through challenges and it is so important to help others not only by sharing our story but with concrete compensation strategies. Mary Fran addresses an important issue that many are unwilling to talk about. We need more of this.”
~ Jennifer Lynn Robinson, Esquire ~ CEO Purposeful Networking, President: FemCity Philadelphia,
“The 15 Minute Master, as a practice, enables you to take your power back in any situation by controlling your reaction to the good, the bad, the awkward, and the ugly. I have personally used this brilliance of Mary Fran Bontempo in situations of devastating crisis, profound sadness, extreme stress, and even euphoric moments. By managing your reaction with grace, you prevent further escalation of a crisis. When practiced, you turn your panic and anxiety into a determination. Once through the 15 minutes, you can applaud the accomplishment of survival and move forward with a bit of confidence, even if you are rolling into another extreme 15 minutes. I have also used the technique to enjoy the priceless moments in life that are often missed due to distraction. A must read and must practice technique for anyone wanting to take back their power and enjoy more of life’s moments.”
~ Dr. Jennifer Gardella ~ Social Media Expert,
“As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I have had the privilege of working with many clients over the years who have struggled in one way or another with addiction. What I know for sure is that addiction always has a profound effect on families. In her book, The 15 Minute Master—How to Make Everything Better 15 Minutes at a Time, Mary Fran Bontempo eloquently addresses her family’s journey through her son’s powerful heroin addiction. She speaks about the lessons they have learned along the way and does it with grace and a dose of humor. The method she developed to cope and even create a sense of peace can be used by anyone going through such a harrowing time. I will most definitely encourage my clients to read this book.”
~ Marie R. Herbert ~ LMFT, Author: Get in the Muck: Reflections on Intimate Connections
“Life happens and sometimes it happens big time. I saw the title and thought 15 minutes? Really? But then I read it and I felt relieved, validated, and motivated to move forward despite the big life situation. I can do 15 minutes. I can get a sense of accomplishment in 15 minutes even if it’s only baby steps and feel less overwhelmed, less guilty, and more empowered. This is not a self-help book that’s overwhelming to even start. It’s not a system that you’ll set up and quit using. I can keep on doing 15 minutes.”
~ Denice Whiteley ~ Product Launch Concierge,
“Mary Fran Bontempo, through her own horrific life experience, has created a tool for all of us to use to not only face the obstacles we experience on our life journey, but to manage and overcome them with grace, perseverance and humor. No matter how big or how small, or how many people are involved in the web of turmoil you experience, Mary Fran’s 15 Minute Master program will enlighten you and give you the strength to carry on, having the tools you need to survive any situation with love, dignity, and eventually, joy. Brilliant.”
~ Robyn Graham ~ Branding Expert, Photographer,
“Well, she’s done it again! MaryFran Bontempo’s third book, The 15 Minute Master, does not disappoint. She reflects on a life-changing crisis, douses it with humor, and shares how she and her family survived (and thrived!)15 minutes at a time. Whether at a personal or professional crossroads, or even just beginning a new project, the 15 Minute Master system shows you how breaking the process into just 15 minutes can be a game changer. It really was for me!”
~Kathy Marcino ~ Business Communications Coach, specializing in Workplace Conflict Resolution,
“MaryFran has a way with words. In The 15 Minute Master, she brings to mind what we know we should be doing as much as possible, and that is living in the moment—or at least the next 15 minutes. Her tips for breaking down life into shorter, more manageable segments are great for anyone who wants to sharpen focus, de-stress and do it all with a little bit of humor.”
~Chrysa Smith ~ Award Winning Author–The Adventures of the Poodle Posse Series, The Upside-Down Gardner
“If life has just deposited you atop a snowy mountain, Mary Fran Bontempo has a pair of skis for you. During an unfolding crisis, the route to safety is scary—and the destination relative—but her step-by-step guide to sanity is a reassuring companion on the way. The only thing that would have been better, of course, is if you’d taken skiing lessons from Mary Fran ahead of time. So, even if you are one of those rare souls experiencing blissful, sunny days, please read this marvelous book NOW, while you still have time to learn how to slalom life’s most heart-wrenching challenges.”
~Christine Marie Eberle Author: Finding God in Ordinary Time